AP Artists Showcase Their Portfolios

After a year of hard work on all their pieces, the AP Studio Art Showcase is students’ chance to show off what they’ve done.

Grant Oglesby

Sophomore Emily Phillips in front of her artwork.

On Thursday the school’s AP art students presented their works to friends, family and other students at the AP Studio Art Showcase.

At the showcase there were very different styles among the artists. There were photos, drawings, paintings and digital artwork.

Natalie Hudson, an art teacher running the showcase, said she thinks events like this are important for the artists.

“It’s important to see the culmination of what it means to be an artist,” said Hudson.

Crowds of people are gathered around the paintings and sculptures. All of the people are trying to talk to the artist about their art or trying to make an offer to buy the piece.

There are paintings that look like they are graffiti on the side of the rode along with hyper realistic digital paintings that look more like a photograph.

There were three dimensional art. There were sculptures and there were also pieces where the image was popping out of the canvas.

The students were also able to sell their artwork. Hudson said the students get to decide what they want to do the money because she wants them to know what it really feels like to be an artist.

Hudson said the student could keep all of the money or donate half of what they earn to the art department. Ultimately, the artist has the final say about the money.

The students were allowed to set the price for the pieces. Some pieces were only eight dollars while others were over 100 dollars.

One artist had a little sticky note saying that she would draw you for eight dollars.

Some students showed a lot of dedication towards their artwork.

Emily Phillips, a sophomore in the showcase, said she had finished three of her pieces before this school year began.

She also enjoys the showcase and sees the value in these events.

“It’s a very good way to show people what I made,” said Phillips.

Phillips also had a unique style and had drawn characters for stories she will write in the future. Along with her art, she sold copies of her book The Diary of a Guardian .

Philips said that she feels that her role as an author and illustrator is equal.

“I think both, I think the illustrations bring out what I want my words to show,” said Philips.

The event allows students to voice their opinion on certain aspects of society.

Junior Abi Carawan had several pieces of seminude women. In many of her paintings, the women’s eyes are either closed or crossed out.

This was meant to symbolize how people use social media to objectify women for pure sex appeal.

An excerpt of Carawan’s artist statement said, “It emphasizes the parts of her individual that don’t embody her character but her sex appeal and lifeless portrait. The setting shows a masculine, technological waste land that defracts her individuality and creates a new identity: one based on fabricated versions of herself.”

The art showcase was a way for students to get the experience of what it means to be an artist. For some that could be sharing their artwork or making social commentary.