Suicide Prevention Month 2022
An encouragement wall filled with positive notes from students in honor of suicide prevention month.
September 30, 2022
Every 40 seconds, somewhere around the world there’s a person who takes their life.
Around 800,000 individuals die by suicide every year, according to The World Health Organization.
Suicide is a death caused by injuring oneself with the intent of dying. A suicide attempt can be defined as one acting on motives to end their life but do not die as a result of their actions. Suicidal ideation refers to planning or considering suicide.
September marks National Suicide Prevention Month, a time dedicated to raising awareness for those dealing with unlivable internal battles.
With time, commitment and evidence-based interventions, suicide, suicide attempts and suicide ideation can be prevented.
This week the school’s counseling department produced daily functions to promote awareness of suicide prevention.
Teachers posted positive affirmation on classroom doors, students wrote encouraging notes and freshman participated in Fulton County’s “Signs of Suicide” presentation, all in the effort to emphasize the importance of this month.

In bringing attention to this cause, three students shared a glimpse of pressure they feel in their teenage years.
Pressure compromises one’s mental health, and a compromised mental health has shown to be correlated to suicide.
“Between two-hour practices every day and balancing schoolwork, it’s near impossible for me not to feel mentally drained,” said sophomore Olivia Seitz.
Seitz is a part of the cross-country team, in which she is constantly training after and before school.
She said she always feels tired and has little motivation to participate in school let alone do several homework assignments.
“It can be terribly overwhelming, and can feel like I’m stuck in a loophole,” said Seitz.
Sophomore Lauren Brown said her social life makes her happy and acts as a refuge from school.
Her close friends make it easy to have fun and be in a good mood, contrasting the hard time she spends alone.
“If I spend too much time with my thoughts they take over,” said Brown.
Sophomore Kendall Young enjoys being around her family and values the relationships she has with her parents.
“When I spend time with my family it makes me less stressed,” Young said.
These are just a few of the countless thoughts that are going through the minds of students.
Mental health, like physical health, is crucial to living a well-rounded life.
There are many things you can do to sustain or better your mental health.
Exercising, opening up to a trusted adult or peer, fueling yourself with nutritious foods, being positive, getting more sleep and treating yourself and others with kindness can all aid in the protection of your mental health.
Additionally, if you come across a fellow classmate who is struggling, offer support, patience and encourage them to talk with someone.
And for those dealing with or who have experiences with suicidal or depressed thoughts, reach out. It’s never too late.
To seek immediate help, dial 988, the suicide prevention lifeline.
To talk with someone in the school contact head counselor Mrs. Garcia located in bridge East (main office). [email protected]
Jen • Oct 3, 2022 at 10:26 am
Suicide Prevention Month needs more than a month! Thank you for this important article.