“Like a Family”: Cambridge Chorus Bonds with Game Night
Members of chorus play an eclectic game of Jeopardy.
February 28, 2019
Screaming, laughing and board games sound like family game night, but this was not an ordinary family.
On Friday, the school chorus held a game night for all of the chorus students. This allowed students from different classes to meet up and hang out.
It ranged from board games to video games, but the most popular was Super Smash Bros.
The students ended the night with a giant game of Jeopardy. They were in teams of five and answered questions based on past events, different composers, music theory and even puns.
This allowed many of the chorus students to form new relationships with each other.
Matthew Van Dyke, the chorus director, sees the importance of events like this.
Van Dyke said, “Students have the opportunity to meet people they don’t know.”
Avani Shah, a senior in the chorus said these events are very helpful and allow the chorus to become more connected.
Shah said, “It’s really a great way to make friends.”
Many chorus students agree these events help form new bonds.
Blaise Williams, a junior in the chorus, said,“It allows us to truly be ourselves and just hang out with everyone and just mess around. It brings us together like a family every time”.
The school’s choral council meets every month to decide on an event.
During this school year, the chorus was able to participate in events such as a picnic, a hayride to a pumpkin patch, a movie night, a holiday party and ice skating.
“The best was the holiday party because everybody dressed up and we catered food,” said Shah.
Williams, on the other hand, cared more about the unity of the group than the activity.
“I think one of my favorite events we’ve had was a picnic we did in September which kind of brought us together to start off the new year of chorus and just began the vibe that we’re a family”.
In every family, there is always that one person everybody can look up to.
Many chorus students believe Van Dyke is the person that pushes everybody to become the best person he or she can be.
Williams said “Van Dyke helps promote that we are a family and can be ourselves altogether. He’s honestly like that dad but also a best friend of everyone there. We’re all so close to him and he just comes off as a man who wants to help us be our best self.”