After Shaky Start, Cambridge Equestrian Team Gallops Into Successful Season
Freshman Emmalia Sebusch at the Wills Park show on Nov. 27.
January 22, 2019
Receiving second place at its most recent show, the Cambridge equestrian team is rebounding after a wobbly start to the season.
Having graduated three strong seniors, the team is now down to eight members this year: seven girls and one boy.
However, they are still in the game, placing in the top two teams at their most recent show, which is “pretty difficult,” said senior equestrian Shelby Welshons.
In this sport, each member gains points individually based on how he or she looks and controls the horse.
At the end of the show, the team is ranked based on the sum of the individual scores.
Welshons said the team struggled a little bit for the first three shows of the season, but added that the riders have been working hard, leading to a second place finish against Milton.
“It was really tough losing three of our strong leaders,” Welshons said of the senior riders who graduated, adding that, “we are still doing pretty well.”
“We have a lot of new people this year so that’s exciting for us,” she said.
Each person has to participate in five shows each season, so the full team isn’t necessarily at every show.
Several members said it’s great when the whole team competes at the same show because it gives them more points and boosts their overall team score.
Welshons also said that they are doing well for this early in the season, and although previous years may be hard to beat, it’s looking up for the future shows.
“Our new team members are doing really great. I’m proud of how far we have come since the beginning of the season,” said senior rider Christine Lim.
The team is almost halfway through its season, few shows left in the season.
First year member Emmalia Sebusch is thriving as a freshman on the team.
“We have worked hard and progressed in our placement of shows throughout the season. I have been able to place higher in my class, also,” said Sebusch.
Lim and Welshons both said they will be sad to graduate praised the younger riders on the team.
“This team has lots of talent coming up,” said Welshons.