Student Council Seeking Donations for Hurricane Relief
The “Spooky Supply Drive” runs until Nov 2 and is mainly asking for donations consisting of toiletries and clothing.
Thanksgiving and Christmas aren’t the only two holidays of generosity. Apparently, so is Halloween.
Starting Wednesday and ending Friday, student council will hold a “Spooky Supply Drive” to benefit the United Nations Children’s Fund (UNICEF).
The group was inspired to hold the drive because of the devastation caused by storms that hit the US in the last couple of hurricane seasons.
“We also wanted to help Hurricane Michael victims, as well as those in Puerto Rico who still need certain supplies after Hurricane Irma, and UNICEF has a hurricane relief program,” said junior Ashley Lombres, student council secretary.
At their meeting on Oct. 18, student council brainstormed organizations they could help carry out their goal. Ultimately, the group decided UNICEF was the best organization to help people affected by natural disasters.
For the drive, student council is open to receiving all types of basic necessities, such as toiletries, blankets, clothing and first aid items.
School supplies and canned goods will not be accepted because school supplies are not a priority for the victims and canned goods go through a lengthy inspection process by UNICEF.
Donation boxes will be located at the main entrance and in the cafeteria.
Student council wants to make it clear that no incentive will be given to those who donate.
“Donating should be natural,” said senior Matthew George, student body president.
Student council all agreed that no one should get rewarded for acting out of kindness for such a good cause.
“Just do good for the school,” said Sharma.

Rachel Lichtenwalner is a senior and is excited to kick off her fourth year with The Bear Witness as Editor-in-Chief! In addition to working for the...